Features and Specifications
- Stainless Steel tubulations (one bulged end)
- Diameter sizes of .042 in (1.07mm), .063 in (1.59mm), .125 in (3.18mm)
- Standard lengths are .55 (13.97mm) to 4 (i101.6mm) inches
- Longer lengths available upon request
Scanivalve manufactures a complete line of bulged stainless steel tubulations. The tube is bulged on one end to insure leak tight connections. Scanivalve’s plastic tubing fits with an interference fit over this end. Our Helical clamps and pipe sealant (SLNT2) can be used with some plastic tubing for pressure applications over 250PSI. Tubulations come in standard lengths between 0.55 (13.97mm)inches to 4.0 (101.6mm) inches. Longer lengths are available upon request. The stainless steel tubulations are manufactured from 304 non-magnetic stainless steel.
Looking for tubulations with a bend in it? Please see our new Tubulation Bending tool here!
- TUBN Tubulations
(322 KB)
- TUBN Sales Drawing
(42.7 KB)
- Scanivalve Accessory Catalog
(8 MB)
- Tubing Installation Guidance
(128 KB)
- TUBN Tubulations