Features and Specifications
- Used to bend stainless steel tubulations from 1° to 180°
- Designed for use with 0.031″ (TUBN-031), 0.042″ (TUBN-040), and 0.063″ (TUBN-063) OD tubulations
- Lightweight and easy-to-use
This tubing bender tool allows stainless steel tubulations to be bent at any angles between 1° and 180°. The tubing bender can bend Scanivalve’s 0.031″, 0.042″, and 0.063″ OD bulged stainless steel tubulations with an interchangeable die. Simply install the die needed for the OD tubing you intend to bend, insert the tubulation and adjust the stop block for the desired length of unbent tube, and then pull the handle to the desired angle using the angle stop to make consistent bends.
This tubing bender tool allows stainless steel tubulations to be bent at any angles between 1° and 180°. The tubing bender can bend Scanivalve’s 0.031″, 0.042″, and 0.063″ OD bulged stainless steel tubulations with an interchangeable die. Simply install the die needed for the OD tubing you intend to bend, insert the tubulation and adjust the stop block for the desired length of unbent tube, and then pull the handle to the desired angle using the angle stop to make consistent bends.
For ordering, use part number 5835-1. Extra or replacement tube dies can be purchased separately. Please see the Pneumatic Accessory Catalog for more information.
- Tubulation Bender Sales Drawing
(211 KB)
- Scanivalve Accessory Catalog
(8 MB)
- Tubulation Bender Sales Drawing