Features and Specifications:
- Number of tubes: 8, 10, or 12
- Tubulation Sizes: .031 (no bulge), .040, .063, .125 inch
- 300 psi maximum pressure range
- Available colors: CLR (clear), GLD (gold), BLK (black), RED, GRN
(green), and BLU (blue)
The materials of construction of these connectors are stainless steel tubulations cemented into an anodized aluminum blocks. They have a caged O-ring gasket design that seals when connected. The maximum pressure rating is 300 psi. When used in a high vibration area or when making and breaking connections multiple times, you may want to consider the same designs only utilizing a brass body with the steel tubulations silver soldered into the brass. This can also be used when an extra safety factor is required to insure no leaks due to handling.The 2 connector halves can also contain different tubulation sizes, thus using it as a tube reducer. In order to do this the aluminum bodies have to be compatible–specify this when requested a quote or placing an order.
The materials of construction of these connectors are stainless steel tubulations cemented into an anodized aluminum blocks. They have a caged O-ring gasket design that seals when connected. The maximum pressure rating is 300 psi. When used in a high vibration area or when making and breaking connections multiple times, you may want to consider the same designs only utilizing a brass body with the steel tubulations silver soldered into the brass. This can also be used when an extra safety factor is required to insure no leaks due to handling.The 2 connector halves can also contain different tubulation sizes, thus using it as a tube reducer. In order to do this the aluminum bodies have to be compatible–specify this when requested a quote or placing an order.
- RC2 Rectangular Connectors(467 KB)
- RC2 Sales Drawing (164 KB)
- Scanivalve Accessory Catalog (8 MB)