Flight Test

Scanivalve instrumentation is built to endure extreme temperature, shock and vibrations that can be seen in typical flight test applications while maintaining a compact package.

Our wide range of pressure scanners covers a variety of applications throughout the aerospace testing field.  In flight tests, these applications can be as diverse as aerodynamic pressure distributions, engine inlet distortion studies, gas turbine efficiency studies and hydraulic system monitoring.
Miniature, high-density scanners (ZOC series) can be used in remote installations like those required in wings, tail feathers, control
surfaces and other aerodynamic shapes.  More rugged requirements, like those on or near engines and hydraulic studies can be handled by our versatile DSA products.  Whatever the requirements for the specific flight test requirement, Scanivalve has the pressure measurement equipment to fit the application.

dsa3217colorDSA3217 Pressure Scanner – Gas Measurement
DSA3217 (Digital Sensor Array) is a compact, self-contained pressure scanner providing engineering data directly through an Ethernet connection […]
73zocconnectors1DSA3218 Pressure Scanner – Gas Measurement
The DSA3218 (Digital Sensor Array) is a rugged pressure scanner optimized for harsh environments like those found in gas turbine efficiency studies and performance tests […]
MPS4264 is an Ethernet based, miniature pressure scanner designed specifically for wind tunnel test or any other tests where space is limited […]
zoc17_01aZOC17 pressure scanner
The ZOC17s rugged construction, temperature compensation and high pressure valve make it an ideal pressure scanner for flight test and aerospace pressure measurement requirements […]
zoc22_01aZOC22b miniature pressure scanner
The ZOC22’s unique low-profile design is designed to fit in aerodynamic shapes commonly tested in wind tunnels […]
zoc23bZOC23b miniature pressure scanner
The Model ZOC23b is similar to Scanivalve’s model ZOC22b electronic pressure scanner […]
zoc33_08aZOC33 miniature pressure scanner
The ZOC33 is a compact, reliable 64 channel pressure scanner designed for all wind tunnel tests from aerodynamic models to wind engineering studies […]
zoc33tcu_closed-croppedZOCTCU Thermal Control Unit
The ZOCTCU Thermal Control units are designed to provide a constant temperature environment for the ZOC17, ZOC22B, and ZOC33 pressure scanners […]
dsm4000_09aDSM4000 Digital Service Module
The DSM4000 is a complete data acquisition system, including ARINC429 output, designed to support Scanivalve’s ZOC pressure scanners primarily in flight test applications […]


  • Application Note 9 – Flight Test pdf (602.5 KB)
    This application note describes Scanivalve product solutions for measuring pressure, temperature and electrical signals in flight tests and aerospace tests.